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报告题目Emphasizing the “social” in social emotions

报告人:于宏波   博士

(University of California Santa Barbara)

主持人:周晓林   教授


时   间:2023年9月11日(周一) 10:00

地    点:华东师大普陀校区俊秀楼223报告厅



Dr. Hongbo Yu is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at University of California Santa Barbara. He joined Prof. Xiaolin Zhou's lab and received his Ph.D. in psychology from Peking University. After that, he joined Dr. Molly Crockett’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher, first at the University of Oxford, where he was awarded a British Academy Newton International Fellowship, and then at Yale University. At UCSB, Yu has directed the Yu Emotion Science (YES) Lab, which takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the interplay between emotions and morality, using techniques such as neuroimaging, behavioral experiments, and natural language processing of historical and contemporary corpora. Meanwhile, the YES Lab focuses on exploring individual differences in the neural and psychological mechanisms underlying emotions and morality in relation to cultural values, personality traits, and clinical conditions. Dr. Hongbo Yu’s work has been published in prestigious international journals, such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Psychological Science, Journal of Neuroscience, and others.


How “social” are the social emotions as studied in the social psychology and affective science literature? Not so much. I argue that it is crucial to understand social emotions in situated relational and interpersonal contexts. In this talk, I will introduce two lines of research in my lab that aim to advance our theoretical understanding of social emotions by putting them in appropriate relational and interpersonal contexts. In the first part of the presentation, I will talk about a set of studies investigating whether and how social emotions (guilt, anger) arise from violations of social expectations. Specifically, we develop and validate a computational model that accurately captures the extent to which certain actions violate expectations in several relation-ships (e.g., romantic partners, roommates). This model also accurately predicts the degree of guilt reported by the perpetrator of the expectation violating actions, and the degree of anger reported by the target of those actions, in both an American and a Chinese sample. In the second part of the presentation, I will present a series of studies using a novel interpersonal interactive task to characterize approach and avoidance tendencies arising after a transgressor harms their interaction partner. By combining this task with eye-tracking, mouse-tracking, physiology, and computational modeling, we document the behavioral tendency to avoid the victim following transgression, and explore how approach (e.g., compensating the victim) and avoidance ten-dencies compete to determine the transgressor’s behaviors. In sum, I hope to show the import-ance of understanding social emotions in their relational and interpersonal contexts.  

初审|郝   宁

终审|方   媛

